Simplifying The Emotion Code {plus why it's imperative to your health!}
I get a lot of questions about exactly what I do to help my clients. I will be answering all of those questions today!
If you haven’t seen my video, What Is Energy Healing?, go watch that first. It will give you a general idea of what energy medicine is. This includes all forms of energy medicine – EFT, reiki, theta healing, etc.
Here is a brand new video that explains what the Emotion Code is, what trapped emotions are, how we clear them, and why it’s imperative to your health!
For the simplest ways to create radiant health, effortless joy, and lasting energy CLICK HERE!
Want to dig deeper?
Here is a video of Dr. Bradley Nelson, creator of The Emotion Code, giving a simple explanation.
E-motion is a wonderful documentary highlighting the importance of releasing trapped emotions. Watch the trailer here.
If you are local to Central Virginia, would you like to have a e-motion screening + live Q&A? Let me know in the comments below!
Are you curious what others say about releasing their trapped emotions? Check out what my incredible clients have to say here. It is such a joy to watch people’s lives transform so simply and quickly.
Where do I go from here?
Buy the Emotion Code book
This book, written by Dr. Bradley Nelson, teaches you about the Emotion Code modality. It teaches you the basics of how to muscle test and release trapped emotions on your own.
Set up an Emotion Code Session
When I first learned about The Emotion Code, I didn't have the time or patience to learn how to do it for myself. Working with a practitioner was the best investment I ever made for the health of myself and my family. If you're ready to take the next steps to clear your trapped emotions, I would love to answer any questions you have or work with you personally.
In gratitude,