An Open letter to self help junkies

Goal setters, researchers, seekers, healers, self help junkies, stressed ones - LISTEN UP.

Everywhere you turn you hear people talking about losing weight, restricting their food, making more money, finding better relationships, etc.

Everyone seems to be on a quest to a better version of themselves.

My question is there really a "better" you that you think will make you happier?

Can a change on the outside, truly make us happy on the inside?

Do these goals really make us happier? Do you really think you have to "become" a better version of yourself?


Take a pause and breathe.


I've got some great news for you...

You don't have to "become" your best self.

You don't have to change anything to be worthy of the deepest healing and love available.

You don't become your best self, you TAP INTO your best self.

Look within. It's already there.

Beyond the stress, and the overthinking, and the diets, and the weight loss programs, the health books, and the quick fixes in all their forms is PEACE.

Beyond all of that YOU are there.

Your best self is within you.

No need to seek, just get still.


Additional Resources:

You Are The Magic Pill (free video)

Simple Exercise to Stop Stress, Ease Anxiety, and Lift Brain Fog

How To Feel Better When You've Tried Everything (and STILL feel like crap!)


Should you be paleo or vegan? here is your answer…


Let's Get OUT of Low-Vibe Emotions!