Harmony Restored
Raw relatable healing
Helping you heal from the stress that is at the root of your physical and emotional pain
Hello friend,
If you’re anything like I was, somewhere between anxious, frustrated and with a mile-high plate of overwhelm, trying to wrangle this whole thing called “wellness”… you are in the right place!
I spent well over a decade of my life doing everything “right”, and I just kept feeling worse.
Oh So Thankfully, I discovered the HOW to make sense of it all and finally create health on my terms. I discovered the Universal principles on how to not just feel better, but live well — AND
— to create radiant health
— to harness (and keep) effortless joy
— and to generate lasting energy.
I’m so happy you’re here!
“Megan and her emotion code therapy has become a front-line therapy in my clinic where we see emotional stress as a primary underpinning to biologic disease. The results have fuelled a loyal following among my patients, friends and family.”
Zach Bush, M.D., zachbushmd.com
✨ Simple Description of The Emotion Code + What A Typical Session With Me Is Like
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“In this wonderful book, Dr. Brad Nelson gives us a truly evolved model of how we get sick and how we can indeed heal. He brilliantly teaches us by what means a broad spectrum of trapped emotions can be stored in our bodies–limiting the expression of health– and then he provides us the practical tools to free ourselves from the chains of those self-limiting emotions. Read it and become your own healer!”
- Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times best-selling author of You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter
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